Meet Woman Fellowship: Jess McKellar (Spring 23)

January 14, 2024
Stories from the Women Fellowship: Jess McKellar Spring 23

We’ve caught up with some of our incredible Fellows to see what they’re up to now.

Meet Jess

Jess McKellar was working for a Healthcare start-up when she found the WF. It opened her up to a world of new ideas, including the potential to change her career after 10 years of being an Executive Assistant. She’s currently working in Cloud Infrastructure and looking forward to what lies ahead.

Why did you apply for the fellowship?

I was interviewing at the time and kept being knocked back. I would stalk the LinkedIn profiles of the successful candidates and they all shared one thing in common…they were Women Fellows!

How would you describe the fellowship to someone else?

I would describe the fellowship as “Start-up success kit”. The content prepares you for entering a world where things work a little differently. The start-up ecosystem can be incredibly competitive so, if you want a leg-up, the Startmate WF is for you.

What is the value you personally got out of the fellowship?

Personally, the most valuable part of the fellowship was my coach and squad. We had so much more in common than I could have expected. I really thought I would struggle to find people who were like me, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s no secret you can grow your network to hundreds of people in just 8 weeks, but don’t underestimate the power of quality over quantity!

Would you recommend the fellowship and why / why not?

I highly recommend the women’s fellowship, especially now knowing what to expect. I can tailor my recommendations to those who ask. If you’re straight out of Uni, the content is next-to-none. If you’re a seasoned professional, the network will be your ticket. If you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing, the cohort will guide you. There’s something for everyone!

What were the main things you learned from the fellowship?

My main take away is not to be so hard on myself. Even when you feel you couldn’t be further away from the people you aspire to be, you have more in common than you think.

What were some unexpected takeaways?

I wasn’t expecting to find anyone who was having the same trouble as me setting goals and committing to them. Hearing that my squad and others who I connected with also shared the same struggle, I found it easy to bond with them and it made me so much more confident.

Describe your journey since finishing the fellowship, professionally and personally.

I’m still very early on in my journey, having only just finished the program. I’m really enjoying the reflection period and leaning into some of the skills I’ve picked up along the way – for example, how to deal with imposter syndrome, and I find myself more confident talking to strangers (i.e. growing and leveraging my network!)

Pssst. Women Fellowship applications are open

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The Startmate Women Fellowship is a program and community for ambitious women looking to supercharge their career in startups.

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Jessica McKellarJessica McKellar

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